I, on behalf of college authority, welcome the students who prefer to get themselves admitted into West Goalpara College, Ambari. The college came into being in 1981 as the cumulative consequences of the noble initiatives and painstaking efforts collectively undertaken by a host of leading citizens and the general public of 38 Goalpara West Constituency. The college can now boast of a student enrolment of nearly 2000 and a faculty strength of nearly 70 and a alumni of several thousand students well established in different fields. The college has two streams i.e. Arts and Science, up to Degree level with Major in all subjects. The college has Boys’ and Girls’ hostel separately. There is a magnificent library in the college where more
than 17000 books of various subjects are available. The college has two study centres namely KKHSOU (Krishna Kanta Handique State Open
University) and GUIDOL (Guwahati University Institute of Distance and Open Learning) under Guwahati University. The main purpose of these universities is to promote education among the downtrodden and the backward sections of the society through open and distance learning at minimum and affordable fees. The study centers offer various courses up to master degree level. The present infra-structures of the college comprises spacious classrooms, well equipped library and laboratories, hostel provisions, play ground for sports and many more support services. Besides the academic pursuit the college encourages and promotes departmental seminars, workshops, study tours and NSS and Scout and Guide programme. This is true that without the co-operation of Governing Body, Teaching and Non-teaching staff, the students as well as well- wishers and benevolent public, it is not possible for us to achieve the best for the
overall development of the college. It is our vision that West Goalpara College shall be at par in academic excellence with national standard which can be translated into practice with full co-operation of our students and learned teachers. The success of any mission depends on the collective efforts, co-operation and concerted action of all stakeholders. It is my earnest appeal to all to come forward and help us in achieving our goal. Let us join hands to make our college one of the Institute and to make the dream of the founding fathers a reality.
Abdul Wahhab Miah
Principal i.c
West Goalpara College